Ha en underbar sommar!
//Summer is fast approaching and it feels like everyone is planning their vacation. If you then not had time to save up something for the holidays, is there still an opportunity to celebrate the holiday at a low price, or even get away for free?
Here are my top holiday tips on how to get a wonderful summer for a small fee:
Camp! You may not initially think it’s something for you, but it’s actually a really nice way to get close to nature and spend time with family and friends or by yourself. What do you need? Tents, sleeping bags, sleeping mats, matches, camping stove, cup, flashlight, insect repellent. Check online, Ebay or on social media like Facebook, sometimes people give things away to almost or no cost at all if you do not have yourself. Borrow a book from the library and you are good to go.
Compete in contests! Many free online contests give away trips and the chance is probably much bigger than winning the lottery. Who knows, maybe it is you who wins a cottage holiday. Often you just need to answer a question, and write a statement. (But check the conditions so it is serious.)
Biking! Why not take the opportunity to explore Sweden and your neighborhood by bike? You get the opportunity to see places you’ve never had any idea there even existed though you may have lived in a town or village in your entire life. Let your curiosity lead you.
Read online! Check local tourist office or the Internet for gems, maybe there are some wonderful place, you did not know about, a lake, a park or a farm closer than you think. Many activities are free in the summer, such as festivals, standup comedy and museum etc.
Visit friends. Perhaps you finally have time to spend time with those friends who live a little further away and you therefore too rarely has time to meet. Go visit them or invite people home a few days.
Go fishing! Try your luck by fishing! Sounds great to get the opportunity to dine on freshly caught grilled fish at night? (But do not forget the fishing permit, read online and learn.)
Play! Geocaching, play boules or try other games. The imagination is the limit.
Hike! Sweden is incredibly beautiful and on foot to get to know the smells and become one with nature. Why not take a refreshing evening swim and enjoy the sunset with a bowl of freshly picked blueberries.
Have a wonderful summer!
Nu finns den nya säsongen av Familjer på äventyr ute. Missa inte de spännande avsnitten som i år bland annat handlar om ekoturism i Kenya, en forskningsexpedition på Svalbard och familjer som förverkligat sina resdrömmar.
//What should you consider if you want to travel in a more sustainable way? As an eco tourist it is important to be critical of facades so that you do not buy a pig in a poke. Some companies want the word “eco” to attract people though it has nothing to do with reality. It is important to read before you book. (For example an ecolodge.)
How do you then recognize ecotourism? Well, it is very much about spreading knowledge and awareness among tourists about the place you go to and its locals. It is also awareness of the area’s challenges with nature and animals. Ecotourism is thus the opposite of exploitation. Instead, it relies on sustainability and humility to people, animals and the environment.
Harmony simply. It is thus a tool to fight poverty when money flows in to the locals. But there is a delicate balance to maintain small-scale ecotourism projects and supervise so that it does not become mass tourism. Likewise it is important for the tourists that there is a grading scale and quality measurements such as how climate-friendly ecotourism activities are.
As a tourist, one can ask questions like how much purchased local goods and services there are to offer. During periods it can be useful if the activities do not interfere with locals and animals. Also to be restrictive with the type of transport used. Elephant riding for example sounds in theory, environmentally friendly, but are often a poor alternative for the animals. It is of course better to go on foot, choose rail over air travel, dog sledding in front of the snowmobile etc.
But it is not easy all the times. Let us say that a village benefits from ecotourism and their wildlife markedly increasing in number. Then it can happen accidents such as tigers and elephants can get too far into the settlements and people may be injured. It really applies to disseminate knowledge about the value of coexistence with the animals and the sustainability of the natural and social development and to find sustainable solutions for a good balance.
It’s the small things that make a difference. To say no to plastic bags and environmentally damaging food on the plate, the choice of accommodation for the holiday, read the ingredients on the ingredients lists and consider whether you really need that souvenir to take home or whether it is sufficient with a photo.
As a consumer you can influence and it is important to trust that and make demands. You vote with your wallet simply. This affects businesses in turn with their packages. But of course it feels hopeless sometimes. Especially when you see all the garbage in the sea and on the beaches, but we must dare to have hope. I believe that eco-tourism is here to stay. There are good examples of how it has offset poaching and received societies to flourish. Perhaps ecotourism one day norm for the entire tourism industry. But really it’s more about quality over quantity, as each area has a certain carrying capacity for what it is able to endure.
Learn more about ecotourism and quality of ecotourism association’s website.
Att släppa taget om tryggheten och våga ta steget ut i världen är både skrämmande och spännande på samma gång. Just do it!
//To let go of the safety zone and dare to take the step out in the world is both frightening and exciting at the same time. Go for it!
Det som gör Panama till en unik plats för ekoturism är så mycket mer än vad man kan tro av ett så pass litet land som det är. Ekoturism är ansvarsfull turism som både gynnar natur, djur och lokalbefolkning utan att lämna ett för stort fotavtryck. Som hjälper till att bevara platsen som besöks men gärna också finna vägar till förbättring och ökad kunskap.
Panama består av djupa regnskogar, skyddade nationalparker, långa kustremsor, ett rikt fågelliv (ca 1000 arter), mängder av öar, ca 1500 arter av träd, över 200 däggdjursarter, över 200 kräldjursarter och upp mot 10000 växtarter.
För naturälskare finns det ett rikligt smörgåsbord av möjliga aktiviteter. Allt från att besöka lokala stammar och se andra sätt att leva, volontärjobba, surfa, äta nyfångad mat från havet, snorkla, dyka, vandra, åka forsränning & kajak, flyga fram mellan trädtopparna i ziplines, bada i varma källor, rida till att besöka kaffe -och chokladplantage. Turismen är fortfarande inte i full blom så många gånger kan man som turist få njuta av fördelen att få ha många platser för sig själv.
//What makes Panama a unique place for ecotourism is so much more than what one might think of such a small country that it is. Ecotourism is responsible tourism that benefits both nature, animals and locals without leaving too big of a footprint. It helps to preserve the place being visited, but happily also find ways to improve and increase knowledge.
Panama consists of deep rainforests, protected national parks, long coastal strip, a rich bird life (approximately 1,000 species), quantities of islands, about 1,500 species of trees, over 200 species of mammals, over 200 reptile species and up to 10 000 plant species.
For nature lovers, there is a rich smorgasbord of possible activities. Everything from visiting local tribes and see other ways of life, volunteer work, surf, eat freshly caught sea food, snorkeling, diving, hiking, rafting and kayaking, fly up between the treetops of the ziplines, swimming in hot springs, ride to visit coffee and chocolate plantation. Tourism is still not in full bloom so many times can you as a tourist get to enjoy the advantage of having many places for yourself.
Jag tänkte dela med mig av lite restips när man ska backpacka. Nyckelord: minimalism
Eftersom vi är iväg flera månader så var det viktigt att tänka igenom packningen innan så att man inte bär runt på onödig vikt. Jag bär med mig en ryggsäck från Haglöfs modell tight som knappt väger något. Till den har jag även Haglöfs regnskydd. (Köpte online på Outdoorexperten och Outnorth). Jag har även med hänglås, mobiler, laddare, usb, kameror, resböcker i pdf-format. (Lonelyplanet och Roughguide), regnkläder, träningskläder, klänning, shorts, linnen, keps, solglasögon, filt, solcremer, blus, långtröja, tunna byxor, strumpor, bikini, underkläder, skopåse, tygpåsar, necessär med smågrejor som medicin, plåster, tandcreme etc. Sandaler, gympaskor, ballerina, pass, försäkringspapper, visum, kort m.m. Miniväska att checka in, glasögon, handtvättmedel, värmeljus, plastbestick, pennor, maskot, bok, sykitt, sjal och hörlurar.
Flyg (enkelresor) köper vi online efterhand via t.ex. Kilroys eller Sembos hemsida som vi har gott förtroende för.
Man kan jämföra pris på t.ex. Momondo eller söka på Travelmarket. Ofta köper vi bussbiljetter ut ur landet online. Inom landet köper vi bussbiljetterna på plats på stationerna. Går det inga bussar tar vi taxi eller går (om det är möjligt och dag)
Detta köper vi online efterhand via agoda, booking, trivago m.m. 1-2 dagar i taget för att kunna vara flexibla. Blir oftast billigast än att köpa i receptionen. Allinclusive fixade vi via lokala reseföretag. Det är alltid bra att boka med e-kort och ladda ner kartor offline så man hittar. Välj gärna pousadas för att gynna lokala familjer
Vi köper alltid med oss vatten, snacks, frukt m.m. Bra restauranger hittar vi via Tripadvisor.
Dessa hittar vi via Tripadvisor, Internet, guideböckerna eller hotellen. Ofta kan man göra utflykter själva utan att köpa organiserade turer.
Viktigt är att ha en budget och hålla sig till den genom att ha koll på alla utgifter varje dag. Vi använder oftast uttagskort som inte har någon avgift och tar bara ut lite i taget. Använd gärna en liten säkerhetsficka. Det är även viktigt att göra mycket research och lära sig grunderna i språket i landet som man ska till. Glöm inte att fotografera viktiga dokument och se över försäkringar och vaccin.
Sen är det bara att åka!
// I was going to share with you some travel advice when backpacking. Keywords: minimalism
Because we were off for several months it was important to think through everything carefully so as not carrying around unnecessary weight. I carry with me a backpack from Haglöfs model tight that barely weighs anything. I also bought Haglöfs rain cover. (Bought online at Outdoor expert and Outnorth). I also have a padlock, mobile phones, chargers, usb, camera, travel books in pdf format. (Lonely Planet and Rough Guide), rainwear, sportswear, dress, shorts, tank tops, hats, sunglasses, blanket, sunscreens, blouse, long sweater, thin pants, socks, bikinis, lingerie, shoe bag, cloth bags, toiletry bag with small stuff such as medicine, plasters, dental cream etc. Sandals, sneakers, ballerina shoes, passports, insurance papers, visas, cards etc. Mini bag to check in, glasses, hand-washing, tea candles, plastic cutlery, pens, mascot, book, sewing kit, scarf and headphones.
Travel Reservations:
Flights (one-way trips), we buy online by sites such as Kilroy or Sembos website as we have good confidence in them.
You can compare the price of sites such as Momondo or search the Travel Market. Often we buy bus tickets out of the country online. Within the country, we buy bus tickets on site at the stations. If there is no bus around, we take a taxi or walk (if that is possible and day).
This we buy online afterwards via sites such as Agoda, booking, trivago 1-2 days at a time, (to be flexible). It is usually cheapest than buying at the reception but sometime it is the opposite. All inclusive (which I do not recommend) you can fix through local travel companies (if you are in Cuba). It is always good to book e-cards and download offline maps so you can find your way. Try to choose pousadas to benefit local families.
We always buy with us water, snacks, fruits, etc. Good restaurants we find through Tripadvisor.
These we find through Tripadvisor, Internet, guide books or hotels. You can often make trips ourselves without buying organized tours.
It is important to have a budget and stick to it by keeping track of all expenses every day. We usually use ATM card that has no charge and only takes a little at a time. Use a small safety pocket. It is also important to do a lot of research and learn the basics of the language of the country that you are going to. Do not forget to photograph important documents and reviewing policies and vaccines.
Then it’s just to go!